Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tilleke Schwarz

Tilleke Schwarz...I adore her embroidery work. It is bright, unorganized and 

childish. The pieces she embroiders are inspired from folk art and things in her daily 

lifeHer work includes contemporary elements, text, traditional images from samplers,

 graffiti, and icons. All of her works are hand embroidered and end up looking 

like a page from a sketchbookShe does not plan out her embroideries nor does she use 

an embroidery hoop or sewing machine. Her work is so simple, yet Jenn 

would call it Eye Candy. She uses simple lines that I wish to carry over in
my work.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

For my first Artist Wednesday I chose Janet Cooper. Her work that gets my attention the most is her embellished dresses. The dresses speak to the viewer and tell a story of the feminine lifestyle. She cherishes the "shared female history" so incorporates the methods of women's work (stitching, appliqué, quilting, knitting & crocheting) to bind the meaning of women to the dresses.

Janet Cooper, Assemblage Party Dress from my travels to Rome, France and Japan

All of the dresses have the same vintage form and feel to them. She sews them with found objects representing nothing more than a woman. The embellishments she choses are limitless, including doll parts, sewing patterns, ribbon, toys, literature, photos, buttons, spools of thread, needles, doll clothes, utensils, lace, beads...(you get the idea). The dresses are a collaboration of items that all pertain to each other in some way, creating a history of women. I love these pieces, because they show the unseen work women have been expected to do such as sewing and cooking, and make it all visible and beautiful.

It is an interest I have to create a piece inspired by this theme, taking the preconceived role of women and  either changing it to modern day or playing around with gender role reversal. I am also interested in the use of mixed media. I personally think that using different materials can help get your idea across if assembled properly.